Item #: 9193

Object Class: Maksur

Special Containment Procedures: Recovery of the fragments of SCP-9193 not currently in Foundation possession is of the utmost priority and must be undertaken by the specially formed MTF Omicron-9193 “Shard Cleaners” and directed by a mission control at Site-72. Currently these missions are directed towards capturing instances of SCP-9193 in the wilderness and the two individual owners of instances, PoI-9193-1 and PoI-9193-2.

The fragments of SCP-9193 within Foundation possession must be kept within a secure safe stored in a standard containment locker at Site-72. They must not be retrieved or looked at in any circumstances without oversight and permission the from Senior Researcher and Project Lead, Alba Navarro, and only under circumstances of experimentation. Viewing fragments of SCP-9193 must not be attempted by any personnel assigned to SCP-9193. In an attempt of a containment breach, MTF Eta-10 "See

A fragment of SCP-9193 amongst non-anomalous debris.

Description: SCP-9193 is the collective designation for a group of fragmented glass pieces originating from an unknown anomalous refractive item (SCP-9193-N) but speculated to be a mirror. There exists 16 known instances of SCP-9193 and a potential quantity of unknown instances (originally, the Foundation was aware of only 14 instances – see Addendum 9193.1): seven of these instances are within the possession of the SCP Foundation, two within the possesion of GoI-003 (“The Chaos Insurgency”), three within the possession of GoI-012 (“Marshall, Carter & Dark”), two within the possession of individuals loosely associated with GoI-ALPHA-019 (“Serpent’s Hand”) and two presumably located in the wilderness. The latter fragments are currently the priority of SCP-9193 recovery missions.

When a sapient being directly views an SCP-9193 fragment, an episodic memory of the subject will begin to fade from their mind and events that occured during the memory will begin to be reflected on the fragment’s surface. After a period ranging from 5 to 30 seconds, if the subject is still viewing the fragment then the reflection on the instance’s surface begins to shift to the episodic memory “stolen” by the fragment from the previous being who viewed it. It is in this stage that a cognitohazardous agent is released into the subconscious of the viewer, and the reflection begins to fade away into a non-anomalous reflection if the subject has not already stopped viewing the fragment.

This cognitohazardous agent begins rapidly deteriorating the mind of the subject leading to the onset of anomalously appearing neurodegenerative diseases and other syptoms such as insomnia and the degradation of functional parts required for basic human function. This will eventually, at a point, terminate the initial viewer.

Despite originating from the same anomaly, the fragments of SCP-9193 appear to have different episodic memories stored within them due to their physical separation. However, when two pieces are connected together, they will act as a single fragment until they have successfully released a cognitohazardous agent onto a viewer, at which point they will anomalously break apart again.

A side effect of the cognitohazard is the fixation on the “released” memory implanted into the subject’s mind, bearing resemblance to the “stolen” memory of the previous viewer. These memories can often be heavily distorted, with distortions including but not limited to:

Addendum 9193.1 - Discovery: SCP-9193 was discovered on June 12th, 2019 during a raid on a Chaos Insurgency stronghold located in rural Wyoming as part of a joint operation between MTFs Epsilon-6 "Village Idiots", Zeta-9 "Mole Rats" and a detached unit of Nu-7 "Hammer Down". The purpose of this raid was a standard capture of enemy organisation members, research and equipment as well as the containment of any potentially anomalous objects within the target's custody. A bag containing fourteen instances of SCP-9193 was discovered in an isolated safe in one of the rooms, and managed to infect three Foundation agents before backup from MTF Eta-10 "See No Evil" was called in.

As the raid advanced, the task forces were able to capture a commander of an Insurgency cell and interrogated him for information. He had claimed to have possessed two instances of SCP-9193 before throwing them into the river, although the claims were initially met with suspicion, his exhbition of common symptoms associated with the anomaly led Foundation command to believe his claims. The two fragments currently located in the wilderness are now on high lookout.

The other fourteen fragments were taken on a transport convoy to Site-72, however, three personnel employed within the convoy were double-agents for Marshall, Carter & Dark and subsequently took control of the convoy and diverted it from its initial destination. MTF Eta-10 was sent to a known Marshall, Carter & Dark warehouse neary in order to retrieve the items but were only to obtain seven of the fragments. Intelligence gathering into the whereabouts of the remaining fragments of SCP-9193 led to the discovery that Marshall, Carter & Dark had auctioned several instances off to propsective buyers. Further investigation shows that the Chaos Insurgency had managed to purchase two instances, while two unaffiliated individuals purchased two other instances (although, later investigations showed that they were loosely acquaintances with informants of the Serpent's Hand and have since been classified as PoI-9193-1 and PoI-9193-2).

Addendum 9193.2 - Experimentation: After the retrieval of the seven fragmented instances of SCP-9193 and their subsequent containment at Site-72, Senior Researcher Adamo Moloch proposed a research project on the anomaly by designating three instances (termed SCP-9193-A, -B and -C) for experimentation purposes while letting the other four instances stay in secure containment. The below is a transcript of this project proposal's approval:


[Researcher Moloch walks into O5-4's office with a document in hand, he sits down at the desk at the center of the room while O5-4 continues to stare out of her window.]

Moloch: I know that you're probably busy but... well, you did respond to my email first. Listen, this is-

O5-4: -about the mirror shard anomaly, yes I've already heard from other sources... Go on then.

[O5-4 turns away from the window and towards Moloch, taking a few steps. Moloch silently takes a deep breath.]

Moloch: The, uh, potential for such an anomaly is severely unknown. Because we have absolutely no useful knowledge of it gleaned from the Insurgency files we collected-

O5-4: We know how it is dangerous and how it harms.

[O5-4 stares at Moloch intently as the latter takes another deep breath while taking of his glasses to clean.]

Moloch: Yes, b-but.. That is not useful nor informative. It's grossly surface-level. We could learn so much more if we tested on it! We don't know if it works differently between different people or different species, o-or what happens if you look at two at the same time! Or if we made them re-

[O5-4 raises her hand slightly to silence him, while sitting down at the other side of her desk.]

O5-4: That's enough. I'm willing to greenlight your project, however... we expect results that benefit us.

Moloch: ...W-what do you mean, Overseer..?

O5-4: It's a hazardous anomaly, correct?

[O5-4 smiles before leaning in close enough next to Moloch's ear.]

O5-4: Anything hazardous can be made into a weapon, doctor...

[O5-4 leans back and places her hands on her desk, maintaining her smile.]

Moloch: ...I understand. I-I'll make sure the project goes well.

<< END LOG >>

Proposal Subject (Viewer) Results Additional Notes
Experiment with the effects of SCP-9193 on other living beings, particularly animals with memory-keeping abilities. - Dr. Moloch, Project Lead N/A Proposal denied, falls under the Ethic Committee's decree on animal abuse and experimentation due to lack of practical usage and information. - O5-4, Council Supervisor I am taking this opportunity to remind you, Doctor, that the purpose of allowing your experimentation project is for the purposes of potentially integrating the anomaly into the Foundation's paraweapons arm and not for the purpose of some "scientific endeavour" which does not benefit our mission of containment. - O5-4, Council Supervisor
Analyse if the effects of SCP-9193's cognitohazardous agent can be intensified through "feeding" it more traumatic memories. - Dr. Moloch, Project Lead D-11987 and D-27456 (former subject has had a history of drug use and domestic abuse, latter subject has a history with criminal violence and murder) Despite the memories being fed and deployed by the anomaly being much more traumatic and graphic then previous memories, the effects of the cognitohazard themselves did not intensify or have worse conditions. Any additional effects caused were due to the inherent trauma of the memory and thus non-anomalous. That's more like it. - O5-4, Council Supervisor