The following article was originally a printed paper document that was transcribed onto the Archival Database during the creation of RAISA. The SCP in question has disappeared from Foundation custody.
- Maria Jones, Director of RAISA
Item #: 193
Threat Class: Minimum
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-193 is currently contained in a secure locker at Site-01 but will be transported to Site-19 once that facility's construction has been complete. As it relates to the field of magical artifacts, SCP-193 is currently under the ownership of the Department of Anomalous Items and any testing involving it must require the permission of the Department's head, Winton Montgomery, also known as O5-2. SCP-193 must not be used recreationally, usage of it in this way will result in demotion.
Description: SCP-193 is a two-meter tall, 50cm-wide, reflective glass (also known as a mirror or looking glass) encased within an oak wood frame. The first human being to look at SCP-193 will experience their reflection as they would with a regular looking glass. However, following this, they will report themselves focusing on a specific memory from their past in an unusual way. This typically lasts for about 0-3 hours, with the longest time being around 2 hours and 58 minutes. The next person who views SCP-193 after this will have the memory, the one that the first subject reported as unusually focusing on, be displayed to them as an image or mirage by SCP-193. Other people viewing the mirror after the second person while they are still looking at the mirror will also be able to view the memory of the first subject relayed in the form of mirage but will not experience the following effect. The second subject will then report focusing on a memory of theirs in an unusual way, similar to the first subject, lasting the same amount of hours. This chain is broken if SCP-193 is not looked at for more than 10 hours, after which the process can begin again.
Addendum 193.1 - History: SCP-193 was a part of a collection of items originally donated to the Foundation in 1892 by an individual known as "The Collector of Strange Items" (PoI-GREEN-003). Amongst this collection included other SCP objects such as SCP-005 and samples of SCP-059. This donation was made in part due to O5-1 and PoI-GREEN-003 having been acquaintances in the past, despite them going their separate ways following the formation of the SCP Foundation.
The donation also included several notes handwritten by PoI-GREEN-003 attached to each of the items, explaining their past history and purposes. The note attached to SCP-193 contained the following information:
"This artifact is quite interesting, I obtained it from a mundane antique store which had a strong reputation in its town. The owners were quite reluctant to sell it to me, but once they saw how much I was offering... well they couldn't say no.
In short, this mirror is able to store memories and pass it on to someone else. Quite fascinating.. the owners did warn me that it musn't be broken, lest there be dire consequences... If you want to enquire more, their address is at [CLASSIFIED O5 INFORMATION]"
It was noted that this note was particularly lacking in historical information compared to others, and when enquired about it, PoI-GREEN-003 merely replied that "The owners were quite secretive about where they had gotten the thing from". This was the last correspondence that the SCP Foundation has had with PoI-GREEN-003, in December of 1895.
Addendum 193.2 - Usage: SCP-193 has had three (3) tests conducted on it independently by O5-2 which verified its effects on viewers of the mirror, its ability to display mirages, and its chain of memories being broken after 10 hours. While these tests were not approved by the O5 Council officially, O5-2 was commended for his initiative despite calls from O5-5 and O5-7 to punish the indiscretion. Following a visit to [CLASSIFIED O5 INFORMATION], O5-2 made an appeal to O5-1 which was recorded in the following transcript: